Should we get Vaccinations?

Posted on Mar 10, 2015 | 2 comments

Question submitted to Ask the Rabbi” by:

Name: Gia

Full Question:

“i have a question……

where in the torah does it state that us as humans were given our bodies which is god like and to treat them as a holy vessel without having them undergo anything that is unnecessary?

i am referring to vaccinations in particular. i know we are created in gods image and people can interpret this how they will (i believe this is in genesis). Regarding vaccinations, its not like a life and death (god forbid) such as a baby being born lets say and a woman having to undergo an emergency c section…, is there anything along these lines written in the torah at all? maybe like unnecessary injecting or harming of the body. i know tattoos and i think holes in the body like piercings are specifically spoken about. 
thank u again. please let me know.

Rabbi Tully Bryks responds:

There are many references in the Torah to us having been created “in the image of G-d” as well as the need to “protect your health.” While the question of body piercing is more subjective (there is no problem with a woman having her ear pierced), the prohibitions against permanent tattoos is clearly stated in Vayikra (Leviticus) 19:28.

VaccinationsThe question of vaccinations can sometimes become an emotional topic and I’m not here to take sides. Since we are commanded to take care of our health, it is incumbent upon us to follow the best medical information available. Nowadays, not all medical professionals agree as to the best course of action. While many rabbis may be experts on Jewish law, most are not experts on the latest medical breakthroughs. As such, most leading Rabbinic authorities would advocate following the advice of the majority of medical professionals, which currently seems to be a pro-vaccination stance. Some would even consider it a Mitzvah (commandment) to vaccinate as a means to protect the health of our children and the health of those around them. Other rabbinic authorities maintain that no such requirement exits. Even those who agree with the value of vaccinations will sometimes not require it as long as 90% of the population is vaccinated, as a “herd immunity” exists, which helps to minimize the risks for everyone.

Ultimately, when it comes to medical questions, you are best off consulting the doctor who you believe is most qualified to make decisions on this subject. This will help ensure that you are trying to fulfill the commandment of “protecting your health” regardless of the position that your doctor happens to take.

May your efforts be rewarded with a long and healthy life for you and your family!


  1. Thank you so much for your thorough and thoughtful reply.

    I’m glad I was able to help!

  2. Wonderful….it makes sense both ways. and yes it is helpful 🙂 i appreciate u writing what u did. 🙂
    its just because most schools here in NY require vaccinations and the only way people can put their children in schools like this is by being religiously exempt or medically exempt. at the end of the day, in 2015 a lot of doctors just do what they are told or what they have learned and kind of just do what the government says. I think by now people realize that sometimes u have to be ur own doctor in a way especially if things do not feel right. and if someone lets say goes to a holistic doctor which is against vaccinations, then there is no person that can tell them its wrong. they believe their doctor, like u wrote basically, since they are going by what their health care provider recommends. i mean no religion (i think) will put into words “do not vaccinate”. and interpretations of religious laws or beliefs change. and thats what it is….an interpretation. i ask myself sometimes, is it only a case of having emunah?
    thanks for this. i appreciate it a lot. u put it in good words 🙂 have a wonderful week!!!

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